Wednesday, August 15, 2007

My kitchen in my classroom!

Off of my classroom is my very own kitchen! Well, actually, I share it with the other Kindergarten teacher! We have a dishwasher, a stove, a sink, a full microwave, a full size refrigerator and tons of cabinets!
Wow! Look at the storage for files! I'm in heaven!
How am I going to fill up those cabinets?
Another view!
My desk! Looking out into my classroom!


Unknown said...

wow... looks like you have some room to organize! That can be a good thing. :) Looks like ya'll are getting used to the way of life over there. Tell the girls hello. They'll appreciate getting to travel later on. We're all doing well. Swimming has started up here again. It's back to the pool. Have fun and tell the girls hello.

Karen said...

Wow! I am sure going to miss my lunch partner this year. Imagine the lunches we could have prepared last year with a kitchen like that!